
the grape harvest中文什么意思

发音:   用"the grape harvest"造句
  • 在葡萄收获季节
  • grape:    n. 1.葡萄。 2.葡萄色,深紫色。 3.〔the g ...
  • harvest:    n. 1.收获,收割。 2.收获物;产量,收成。 3.收 ...
  • grape in harvest at tulufan:    吐鲁番的葡萄熟了
  • harvest:    n. 1.收获,收割。 2.收获物;产量,收成。 3.收获期。 4.结果;报酬。 abundant [bumper, good, rich] harvests 丰收。 bad [poor] harvest 歉收。 harvest festival 收获节。 a peak harvest 最高产量。 reap the harvest of one's diligence 勤有功,勤勉获成果。 make a long harvest for [about] a little corn 小题大做。 owe sb. a day in the harvest 受某人的恩惠。 vt. 1.收获(谷物等)在…收割;获得(成果等)。 2.定时杀死(受保护的野生动物)以保持生态平衡。 vi. 收获,收割。
  • the harvest:    可可的收获
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  1. Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting , and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land
  2. After returning from the war , paul and a young hispanic - american woman meet on a bus as she ' s headed home from college to help with the grape harvest and face her old world domineering dad
  3. The master vintner urged us to come again during the grape harvest between july and december and enjoy a stroll ? 逛 along rows of purple and green - colored vines and green tunnels formed by their roots
    庄主大力推荐,若是在7到12月葡萄的采收季节前来,游客可以欣赏绿油油的葡萄园,还可以漫步于由一串串结实? ?的紫色与淡绿色葡萄纠结的葡萄须根点缀形成的绿色隧道中。
  4. After returning from the war , paul and a young hispanic - american woman meet on a bus as she39 ; s headed home from college to help with the grape harvest and face her old world domineering dad


        grape:    n. 1.葡萄。 2.葡萄色,深紫色。 3.〔the g ...
        harvest:    n. 1.收获,收割。 2.收获物;产量,收成。 3.收 ...
        grape in harvest at tulufan:    吐鲁番的葡萄熟了
        harvest:    n. 1.收获,收割。 2.收获物;产量,收成。 3.收获期。 4.结果;报酬。 abundant [bumper, good, rich] harvests 丰收。 bad [poor] harvest 歉收。 harvest festival 收获节。 a peak harvest 最高产量。 reap the harvest of one's diligence 勤有功,勤勉获成果。 make a long harvest for [about] a little corn 小题大做。 owe sb. a day in the harvest 受某人的恩惠。 vt. 1.收获(谷物等)在…收割;获得(成果等)。 2.定时杀死(受保护的野生动物)以保持生态平衡。 vi. 收获,收割。
        the harvest:    可可的收获
        to harvest:    收获
        grape:    n. 1.葡萄。 2.葡萄色,深紫色。 3.〔the grape〕 葡萄酒。 4.〔pl.〕 (马脚上生的)葡萄疮;(牛的)结核病。 5.【军事】葡萄弹。 grape juice 葡萄汁。 sour grapes 酸葡萄〔指可望而不可及的东西〕。 the grape = the juice of the grape葡萄酒。
        a fair harvest:    还算不错的收成
        a good harvest:    好年成; 一个好收成
        a slty harvest:    盐的丰收
        abinger harvest:    在阿宾格村的收获
        after the harvest:    丰收之后
        annual harvest:    年收获量
        apple harvest:    苹果采收
        at harvest time:    在收获季节
        at the harvest home:    在收获节。
        average harvest:    一般的收成; 中常年景
        avon’s harvest:    沃冯的收成
        bad harvest:    歉收
        bitter harvest:    爱人强盗; 功亏一篑
        black harvest:    黑色收获
        cocoon harvest:    采茧
        coefficient of harvest:    收获系数
        cold harvest:    冷酷收获
        combined harvest:    复合收割


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